Business, non-profit and self-employed
Business registrations
How to register your business or non-profit with Registry of Joint Stock Companies. Most businesses and non-profits need to register before they start operating.
Register for bulk vendor status under the Your Energy Rebate Program to provide point-of-sale rebates.
Register as a vehicle appraiser with the Provincial Tax Commission. A licensed dealer is automatically recognized as a vehicle appraiser.
Accommodations marketing platforms (like Airbnb,, Expedia and Vrbo) need to register with the Short-term Rentals Registry if they facilitate the rental of short-term accommodations (including tourist accommodations) in Nova Scotia on behalf of an accommodation operator or host.
Most tourist accommodations need to register with the Tourist Accommodations Registry to operate in Nova Scotia.
Business support
You need to choose a legal structure for your business or non-profit before you can register it with Registry of Joint Stock Companies.
Business Navigators help you understand the steps you need to take when starting a business, including regulations and requirements you need to follow.
Share your feedback and ideas to reduce red tape. Your feedback can help government identify and remove regulatory burdens for businesses and citizens.
Alcohol and gaming
Collection of forms for gaming and liquor licensing, permits and compliance.
Businesses need a Film Exchange Licence to distribute videos and video games to retailers in Nova Scotia.
Collection of forms and documents for gaming licences.
Collection of forms and documents for liquor licences.
Movie theatres and drive-ins need a Place of Amusement Licence to operate.
Collection of forms and documents for Special Occasion Liquor Licences.
Register as a supplier to supply Casino Nova Scotia with products and services.
Permits and licences
Apply for an Agent of Lender Permit to act as an agent for a lender in arranging loans for consumers in Nova Scotia.
You need an Associate Mortgage Broker Licence if you’re employed by a mortgage brokerage to act as an intermediary between a borrower and lender for a mortgage while under the supervision of a licensed mortgage broker.
Apply for a Cemetery and Cemetery Sales Licence if your company sells cemetery lots or cemetery lots and pre-need cemetery plans.
Apply for a Cemetery and Funeral Services Salesperson Licence to sell cemetery lots, pre-need cemetery plans or pre-arranged funeral plans.
Collection agencies need a Collection Agency Licence to employ people to collect debt in Nova Scotia on behalf of other companies.
Apply for a Collector Licence. You need the licence if you’re employed by a collection agency to trace debtors or collect debt in Nova Scotia on behalf of other companies.
Apply for a Consumer Reporting Agency Permit if your business provides consumer reports for gain or profit.
Debt management agencies need a Debt Management Agency Licence to employ people to help debtors (people that owe money) manage their debt in Nova Scotia.
Apply for a Debt Management Agent Licence. You need the licence if you’re employed by a debt management agency to help debtors manage their debt in Nova Scotia.
Retail stores on reserves need a Designated Tobacco Retail Vendor’s Permit to sell tobacco products tax-free to First Nation customers.
Apply for a Direct Seller Company Permit if your company has representatives making direct sales to people outside a retail outlet.
Bulk plants, bulk stations and terminals need a Bulk Vendor Permit to store gasoline or diesel oil in storage tanks.
Apply for a Fuel Wholesaler Agreement to wholesale gasoline, diesel oil and propane.
Apply for a Funeral Home or Crematorium Licence to provide funeral services or merchandise to the public.
Apply for a Clearance Certificate to sell your entire tobacco inventory (stock) in a bulk sale.
Apply for a Hearing Aid Dealer Permit if you’re a company that tests, fits and sells hearing aids and accessories to the public.
Apply for a Hearing Aid Salesperson Permit to test, fit and sell hearing aids and accessories to the public.
Nova Scotia-based carriers operating motor vehicles in multiple jurisdictions need an IFTA Licence.
Apply for a Lender Permit if you lend money or provide financing to consumers in Nova Scotia.
You need a Mortgage Administrator Licence to act on behalf of an investor to receive mortgage payments from a borrower, make mortgage payments to the investor and monitor payment activity.
You need a Mortgage Broker Licence if you’re employed by a mortgage brokerage to act as an intermediary between a borrower and lender for a mortgage.
Mortgage brokerages need a Mortgage Brokerage Licence to employ mortgage brokers and associate mortgage brokers to act as an intermediary between a borrower and lender for a mortgage.
You need a Mortgage Lender Licence to lend money that’s secured by real property or represent yourself as a mortgage lender.
Payday lenders need a Payday Lender Permit to offer, arrange or provide loans under $1,500 with a term of 62 days or less.
Tobacco wholesale vendors need a Permit to Purchase and Sell Unstamped Tobacco to buy and sell unmarked tobacco products.
Apply for a Prearranged Funeral Plan Sales Company Licence if you’re a company that sells prearranged funeral plans to the public.
Tobacco manufacturers need a Tobacco Manufacturer Permit to manufacture tobacco products for distribution, sale or storage in Nova Scotia.
Retail stores need a Tobacco Retail Vendor’s Permit to sell tobacco products.
You need a Tobacco Wholesale Vendor’s Permit to sell, store and distribute tobacco products to retailers.
Fuel retailers need a Vendor Permit to sell gasoline, diesel oil and propane.
More information
We’re working on adding more information. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, visit the old website.