Office of the Fire Marshal: forms and licences
Collection of forms that fire departments, insurance companies and fire extinguisher servicing companies need to use for fire reporting, insurance and fire extinguisher licences. The collection also includes forms for exemplary and long service medals.
This collection from the Office of the Fire Marshal supports fire departments, insurance companies and fire extinguisher servicing companies. It provides forms for fire reporting, insurance, fire extinguisher licences, and exemplary and long service medals.
Fire reporting
Fire incident reporting: fire servicesFire services need to submit an incident report for any fire that takes place within their jurisdiction.
Insurance forms
Preliminary insurance report for insured fire lossesInsurance companies need to submit a preliminary insurance report for fire losses at insured properties.
Final insurance report for insured fire lossesInsurance companies need to submit a final insurance report for fire losses at insured properties.
Fire extinguisher licence
Fire Extinguisher Agent’s LicenceCompanies and individuals need a Fire Extinguisher Agent’s Licence to service portable fire extinguishers.
911 notification forms for fire departments
Change of fire dispatch number for 911Fire departments need to notify the Emergency Management Office if their fire dispatch number changes.
Fire department name change for 911Fire departments need to notify 911 if the name of their department changes.
Fire department boundary change for 911Fire departments need to notify 911 if the boundary of their department changes.
Fire department amalgamation change for 911Fire departments need to notify 911 if they’re amalgamating with another fire department or if there’s a change to a current amalgamation.
Long service medal
Fire services long service medal applicationApply to nominate a fire services member for a Fire Services Long Service Medal for 25 years of fire service or the Fire Services Long Service Bar for 35 or 45 years of fire service.