Condominium Corporations Notice of Rule Change (Form 28)

Boards of directors of condominium corporations use Form 28 to notify members of the condominium corporation of proposed rule changes. Changes can include creating a new rule, changing an existing rule or getting rid of an existing rule.

Use Form 28: Notice of Proposed Condominium Rule Change by Board of Directors to notify members of the condominium corporation of any proposed rule changes to the condominium corporation.

Changes to the rules of the condominium corporation can include:

  • creating a new rule
  • changing an existing rule
  • getting rid of an existing rule

The rules need to respect the use of the common elements to promote safety and security of the members and property. The rules also need to prevent unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of units and common elements.

Who can use this form

Board of directors of condominium corporations need to use this form to notify members of the condominium corporation of any proposed rule changes to the condominium corporation.

What you need to do

  1. Complete the form.
  2. Provide each member of the condominium corporation with a copy of the completed form.
  3. If a unit owner or member of the condominium corporation doesn’t agree with the proposed rule change, they have 15 days to object to the change by completing and submitting the Notice of Objection section on the form they received.
  4. If the board doesn’t receive any Notices of Objection by the deadline on the form, the rule change takes effect immediately.
  5. The rule stays in effect until it’s approved by a majority of members present at the next general meeting of the condominium corporation members. If the rule is not approved, it’s no longer in effect.
  6. If the board receives a Notice of Objection by the deadline, the proposed rule doesn’t take effect unless the rule change is approved by a majority of members present at the next general meeting of the condominium corporation members.

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