Submit revised condominium corporation by-laws to the Registrar of Condominiums (Form 15)

Condominium corporations use Form 15 to submit revised by-laws to the Registrar of Condominiums for review.

Use Form 15: Certificate of Corporation about Corporation By-laws to submit the revised by-laws of your condominium corporation.

The condominium corporation needs to draft proposed changes to the initial condominium corporation by-laws created by the developer.

Members of the condominium corporation (unit owners) who own at least 60% of the common elements need to vote in favour of the proposed by-law changes before the condominium corporation can submit the changes with the Registrar of Condominiums.

Who can use this form

The board of directors of the condominium corporation needs to use this form to submit their proposed by-law changes. 2 condominium corporation board members or a lawyer acting on behalf of the condominium corporation completes the form. The condominium corporation seal must be affixed to the form.

The form needs to be submitted within 3 months of the unit owners voting in favour of the proposed by-law changes.

What you need to do

  1. Complete the form.
  2. Include proposed by-laws, Land Registration Act Form 28 and payment with your form.
  3. Send 4 copies of your completed form, 4 copies of proposed by-laws, 1 copy of Land Registration Act Form 28 and payment by mail or courier (all copies of forms and proposed by-laws need original signatures).
  4. The Registrar of Condominiums reviews the by-laws to ensure changes comply with the Condominium Act and regulations and don’t conflict with the current condominium declaration.
  5. The Registrar of Condominiums notifies you to pick up 2 copies of the reviewed by-laws. 1 copy is for the condominium corporation and the other needs to go to the Land Registry to be recorded. It’s your responsibility to make sure the by-laws are recorded with the Land Registry.

How long it takes

It should take 2 weeks to review your proposed by-law changes. It can take longer if more information is needed or if your form hasn’t been filled in correctly.


If the Registrar of Condominiums needs to do a comprehensive examination of the by-laws, there may be an examination fee. The Registrar of Condominiums usually charges if you’re submitting an entirely new set of by-laws.

Activity Fee
Registry of Condominium $62.30
Comprehensive examination of by-laws $93.40
Land Registry $43.60

Payment options

Cheque or money order made payable to the Minister of Finance.

Before you start

Make sure you have:

  • name and number of the condominium corporation
  • by-laws
  • completed Land Registration Act Form 28 (PDF) with original signatures (check 'Other' and note by-law amendment on the form)
  • seal of the condominium corporation
  • name, address, and email of each board member (each board member needs to be the owner of a condominium unit)

Download form