Office of the Fire Marshal: About us
What we do
The Office of the Fire Marshal is responsible for fire and building safety. The office develops policies, regulations and programs to promote and enforce the principles and practices of fire safety. We also provide advice on all initiatives and issues concerning building and fire safety.
The Office of the Fire Marshal is a division of the Department of Municipal Affairs.
We're responsible for:
- promoting and enforcing building and fire safety
- advising various levels of government on building and fire-related matters, including fire protection
- working with fire services partners throughout the province
- leading, coordinating and providing government departments, municipalities and the public with effective approaches for building and fire safety
Who we are
The Office of the Fire Marshal has about 20 staff working across the province.
Our priorities are:
- working with provincial and municipal partners to support their efforts in achieving building and fire safety
- supporting provincial fire services, including the ongoing administration of the Emergency Services Provider Fund
- supporting the work of the Joint Municipal Fire Services Committee by ensuring that proper recommendations are made for the implementation of the Fire Services Review