File your co-operative’s financial statements with Registry of Joint Stock Companies
Co-operatives need to report on their finances to their members at every annual general meeting. Co-operatives also need to file their financial statements with Registry of Joint Stock Companies each year.
Use the Financial Statement Form to file your co-operative’s financial statements with Registry of Joint Stock Companies each year.
At each annual general meeting, the members of the co-operative need to appoint an auditor to prepare financial statements for the next year. You don’t have to appoint an auditor if at least two-thirds of the members agree in writing not to appoint an auditor for the next fiscal year.
Public record
Financial information you file with Registry of Joint Stock Companies is available to the public in aggregate in the Co-operatives Financial and Operating Summary Annual Report. An individual co-operative’s financial information isn’t available to the public.
Who can use this form
Co-operatives need to use this form to file their financial statements with Registry of Joint Stock Companies.
You need to file your financial statements with Registry of Joint Stock Companies before your co-operative’s annual renewal date.
What you need to do
- Complete the Financial Statement Form online.
- Check the form for details on all required supporting documents.
- Report on the finances to the members of the co-operative at each annual general meeting.
- Submit your completed form and supporting documents.
- Registry of Joint Stock Companies updates your records.
How long it takes
It should take 1 to 2 weeks to update your records. It can take longer if more information is needed or if your form hasn’t been filled in correctly.
There is no cost to submit the form.
Before you start
Make sure you have:
- statement of income and expenses for the fiscal year that includes revenue, expenditures and surplus (deficit)
- balance sheet for the fiscal year that includes assets, liabilities and equity
- financial statements available to present to the members at the annual general meeting
When you file online you need to create an account or sign in. You need to be an authorized filer for the business or non-profit. You also need to upload any supporting documents in PDF format, including Financial Statement.
You can use the Financial Statements for Co-operatives Form (PDF 541 kB) if you’re unable to file online. Or use the form as an example and prepare your own financial statements. If you prepare your own, you need to include all details outlined on the form. Send your completed form by mail or email. Or drop it off at Registry of Joint Stock Companies or Access Nova Scotia. If you’re sending your form or financial statements by email, send it to