Tobacco markings notice for manufacturers, wholesalers, importers and tear tape manufacturers: tax bulletin 5092

Information for manufacturers, wholesalers, importers and tear tape manufacturers on the new marking requirements for packages of cigarettes and packages of fine-cut tobacco products manufactured in or imported into the tax-paid market in Nova Scotia.

This tax information bulletin outlines the marking requirements for packages of cigarettes and packages of fine-cut tobacco products manufactured in or imported into the tax-paid market.

Information includes:

  • what the new stamp looks like
  • rules during the transition between old stamps and new stamps
  • what to do with unused Nova Scotia imported tobacco stamps
  • where to order the new Nova Scotia stamp
  • stamping regime for cartons and cases
  • requirements for record keeping for tobacco manufacturers, wholesalers and importers
  • administrative penalty for stamps that are unaccounted for

  • Guide

Author: Provincial Tax Commission
Department: Service Nova Scotia