Change the name of a co-operative

A co-operative can change its name by passing a special resolution and filing a Name Change Form with Registry of Joint Stock Companies.

Use the Name Change Form to change the name of your co-operative. Your new name needs to follow the rules for co-operative names.

Passing a special resolution

This change can only happen by special resolution. To pass a special resolution, you need to comply with the Co-operative Associations Act and your by-laws, including:

  • ensuring the name change complies with the Co-operative Associations Act
  • notifying members of the time and location of the meeting and the intention to vote on a proposed change
  • having a quorum (minimum number of members necessary) at the time of the vote
  • having at least two-thirds of members who are present at the meeting vote in favour of the change
  • having the secretary complete and sign the Special Resolution Change of Name Form
  • filing the Special Resolution Change of Name Form with Registry of Joint Stock Companies within 15 days of passing the special resolution

The secretary who signs the form needs to be listed with Registry of Joint Stock Companies as an officer or director of the co-operative.

When your name changes

Your co-operative name changes when Registry of Joint Stock Companies registers it.

Public record

Information you file with Registry of Joint Stock Companies is available to the public.

Who can use this form

Co-operatives need to use this form to change their name.

What you need to do

  1. Reserve a new name for your co-operative (Registry of Joint Stock Companies needs to approve name).
  2. Pass a special resolution to change the name.
  3. Complete the Name Change Form online.
  4. Check the form for details on all required supporting documents.
  5. Include payment with your form.
  6. Within 15 days of passing the special resolution, submit your completed form, supporting documents and payment.
  7. If the Inspector of Co-operatives approves the special resolution, Registry of Joint Stock Companies issues a Certificate of Name Change. You can use the new name once the registry issues the certificate.

How long it takes

It should take 1 to 2 weeks to get the Certificate of Name Change. It can take longer if more information is needed or if your form hasn’t been filled in correctly.


Activity Fee
Certificate of Name Change $62.30

Payment options

Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover), debit card, cheque, money order, cash. Make your cheque or money order payable to the Minister of Finance. Payment options may vary depending on how you submit the form.

When you pay online you need to pay the fee by credit (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Visa Debit, Debit Mastercard).

Before you start

Make sure you have:

  • approved name for the co-operative from Registry of Joint Stock Companies
  • passed a special resolution to change the name
  • total number of members in the co-operative
  • total number of members in attendance for the special resolution vote, including the number of votes in favour and votes against


When you file online you need to create an account or sign in. You need to be an authorized filer for the business or non-profit. You also need to upload any supporting documents in PDF format, including Special Resolution - Name Change - Co-operative.

Start now

Other ways to submit the form

You can use the Special Resolution Change of Name Form (PDF 145 kB) if you’re unable to file online. Send your completed form, supporting documents and payment by mail. Or drop them off at Registry of Joint Stock Companies or Access Nova Scotia.