Industry and economy

Apply for project funding from the Community Economic Development Fund

Non-profits, industry associations, sector organizations, social enterprises, municipalities, academic institutions and other organizations that benefit the public can apply for funding for projects that increase economic competitiveness and productivity.


Advancing social enterprise in Nova Scotia: a framework

Framework for advancing social enterprise as a way to support our economy and give back to communities across Nova Scotia.

Jobs Fund annual report

Changes in the Nova Scotia Jobs Fund portfolio and financial statements for the 2022 to 2023 fiscal year.

Last mile internet strategy: report

The Last Mile Strategy supports the final leg of the telecommunications network that delivers high-speed internet services to end users across the province.

Middle mile internet strategy: report

The Middle Mile Strategy supports high-speed internet infrastructure by linking the core telecommunications network to the local last mile facilities across the province.

Municipal and Community Rural High-Speed Internet Funding Program projects

List of projects that received funding through the Municipal and Community Group Rural High-speed Internet Funding Program.

Economic statistics

Economic and demographic data: DailyStats

Analysis of economic and demographic conditions in Nova Scotia. Updated daily.

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More information

We’re working on adding more information. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, visit the old website.