Department of Natural Resources: About us
What we do
The Department of Natural Resources is responsible for the development, management, conservation and protection of the province’s forest, wildlife, mineral and energy resources. We promote the sustainable development of natural resources to support jobs, help grow the economy and provide social and environmental benefits.
We help people, businesses and industries reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide sustainable management of Crown lands to reduce the impact of climate change. We also operate provincial parks throughout the province.
The department supports the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity by protecting species at risk, monitoring forest pests and diseases, managing wildlife and promoting hunter safety. We manage the Registry of Mineral and Petroleum Titles and are responsible for ongoing research to make sure that the use of mineral and petroleum resources is sustainable and that we’re able to use innovative and new technology to help support climate change and clean energy programs.
We're responsible for:
- developing programs, policies and research for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources
- developing strategies and programs to increase the province’s renewable energy
- promoting energy efficiency in homes, businesses and the transportation sector
- conducting research to better understand natural resources, including geology and related hazards, forest ecosystems, wildlife and biodiversity
- managing Crown lands and operating provincial parks
- protecting forests by preventing, detecting and managing risks (for example, forest pests and wildfires)
- promoting exploration and development opportunities in mineral, petroleum and energy sectors and administering onshore mineral, petroleum and energy rights
Who we are
The Department of Natural Resources has about 730 staff including economists, forestry experts, biologists, park staff, petroleum experts, geologists, engineers, hydrologists and land surveyors across the province.
Our priorities are:
- developing renewable energy and green infrastructure initiatives to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- creating and supporting energy efficiency programs to have more of the province’s electricity needs supplied by renewable energy
- promoting forest sector innovation and transformation, including the implementation of ecological forestry recommended by the Independent Review of Forest Practices (the “Lahey Report”)
- protecting land and water for nature conservation
- protecting wildlife, species at risk and biodiversity
- making sure that Crown lands are sustainably used, protected and managed