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Department of Justice
Department of Justice: Legislation
Accessibility Act (PDF)
Adult Capacity and Decision-making Act (PDF)
Age of Majority Act
Alternative Penalty Act
Apology Act (PDF)
Applied Science Technology Act
Apportionment Act
Arbitration Act
Architects Act
Assets Management and Disposition Act (PDF)
Assignments and Preferences Act
Beneficiaries Designation Act
Bills of Lading Act
Blind Persons' Rights Act (PDF)
Builders' Lien Act (PDF)
Canada and United Kingdom Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments Act
Canadian Information Processing Society of Nova Scotia Act
Cape Breton Barristers' Society Act
Child Abduction Act
Child Pornography Reporting Act
Civil Forfeiture Act
Class Proceedings Act
Collection Act
Commercial Arbitration Act
Commercial Mediation Act
Communications and Information Act (PDF)
Compensation for Victims of Crime Act
Conflict of Interest Act
Constables' Protection Act
Constitutional Questions Act
Contributory Negligence Act
Controverted Elections Act (PDF)
Conveyancing Act
Corporations Miscellaneous Provisions Act (PDF)
Correctional Services Act (PDF)
Corrections Act
Costs and Fees Act
Court and Administrative Reform Act
Court Houses and Lockup Houses Act
Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer Act
Court Officials Act
Court Security Act
Creditors' Relief Act
Criminal Notoriety Act
Cross-border Policing Act
Defamation Act (PDF)
Demise of the Crown Act
Domestic Violence Intervention Act (PDF)
Elections Act (PDF)
Electronic Commerce Act
Enforcement of Canadian Judgments and Decrees Act
Enforcement of Court Orders Act
Engineering Profession Act
Escheats Act (PDF)
Estate Actions Act
Evidence Act (PDF)
Expropriation Act (PDF)
Family Orders Information Release Act
Fatal Injuries Act
Fatality Investigations Act (PDF)
Federal-Provincial Power Act
Flea Markets Regulation Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (PDF)
Geoscience Profession Act
Guardianship Act
Gunshot Wounds Mandatory Reporting Act (PDF)
House of Assembly Act (PDF)
Human Rights Act (PDF)
Interest on Judgments Act
Interior Designers Act (PDF)
Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act (PDF)
International Commercial Arbitration Act
International Interests in Mobile Aircraft Equipment Act (PDF)
International Sale of Goods Act
International Trusts Act
International Wills Act
Interpretation Act (PDF)
Interprovincial Subpoena Act
Intestate Succession Act
Judicature Act (PDF)
Judicial Disqualifications Removal Act
Juries Act
Justices of the Peace Act (PDF)
Land Actions Venue Act
Legal Aid Act (PDF)
Legal Profession Act
Liberty of the Subject Act
Lieutenant Governor and Great Seal Act
Limitation of Actions Act (PDF)
Human Rights Act (PDF)
Maintenance Enforcement Act (PDF)
Marriage Act (PDF)
Matrimonial Property Act
Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (PDF)
Night Courts Act
Notaries and Commissioners Act (PDF)
Occupiers' Liability Act (PDF)
Ombudsman Act (PDF)
Overholding Tenants Act
Parenting and Support Act (PDF)
Partition Act
Partnership Act (PDF)
Payment into Court Act (PDF)
Personal Directives Act
Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act
Pledging of Service Emblems Act
Police Act (PDF)
Police and Peace Officers' Memorial Day Act
Police Identity Management Act (PDF)
Police Services Act
Powers of Attorney Act (PDF)
Presumption of Death Act
Privacy Review Officer Act
Private Investigators and Private Guards Act
Probate Act (PDF)
Proceedings against the Crown Act
Professional Planners Act
Protection of Property Act
Provincial Court Act (PDF)
Public Inquiries Act (PDF)
Public Prosecutions Act (PDF)
Public Subscriptions Act
Public Trustee Act (PDF)
Purchasing Management Association of Canada Act
Quieting Titles Act
Real Property Act (PDF)
Reciprocal Enforcement of Custody Orders Act
Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act
Regulations Act (PDF)
Religious and Charitable Corporations Property Act
Religious Congregations and Societies Act
Remembrance Day Act (PDF)
Remission of Penalties Act
Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act (PDF)
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act (PDF)
Sale of Goods Act
Sale of Land Under Execution Act
Small Claims Court Act
Statute of Frauds
Statute Revision Act
Storage Warehouse Keepers Act
Summary Proceedings Act (PDF)
Supreme and Exchequer Courts of Canada
Sureties Act
Survival of Actions Act
Survivorship Act
Tenancies and Distress for Rent Act
Testators' Family Maintenance Act
Ticket of Leave Act
Time Definition Act
Tortfeasors Act
Trustee Act (PDF)
Unclaimed Articles Act
Variation of Trusts Act (PDF)
Vendors and Purchasers Act
Victims' Rights and Services Act
Volunteer Protection Act (PDF)
Volunteer Services Act (PDF)
Warehouse Receipts Act
Wills Act (PDF)
Woodmen's Lien Act
Workers' Compensation Act (PDF)
Youth Justice Act (PDF)