Apply for funding to support an internship for youth interested in healthcare careers: Equity Youth Health Experience Program Fund

Non-profits with health-related initiatives, health institutions and health service organizations can apply for funding to support an internship opportunity for Indigenous and equity youth. You can apply starting 1 April 2024.

Use the Equity Youth Health Experience Program Application Form to apply for funding.

The Equity Youth Health Experience Program supports hiring youth from Indigenous and equity communities who are interested in healthcare careers and have completed grade 11, grade 12 or first-year post-secondary.

Funding amount

The Equity Youth Health Experience Program may fund 100% of salary and mandatory employment-related costs for a hired student to a maximum of 320 working hours (hours can be full-time or part-time).

Ineligible costs

Ineligible costs include any costs not related to the internship wages.

Hiring requirements

Non-profits, health institutions and health service organizations need to meet have hiring requirements. Hiring requirements include having:

  • physical space at your location for the the student intern (hybrid opportunities are welcomed, fully remote opportunities are not applicable)
  • necessary work equipment
  • manager with the capacity to interview, onboard, train, mentor, check-in, provide feedback and offboard the student intern
  • 320 hours of work (full-time or part-time)
  • community health initiatives or priorities that could use support from a student intern
  • commitment to hiring an Indigenous or equity student that has completed grade 11, 12 or first-year post-secondary (the student must be a resident of Nova Scotia and is legally able to work within the province)

Accessing the funding

The Department of Health and Wellness provides the funding in accordance with the Government Student Pay Plan 2024.


Non-profits with health-related initiatives, health institutions and health service organizations can apply for funding. Eligible organizations include:

  • non-profit societies and non-profit co-operatives registered with Registry of Joint Stock Companies
  • Indigenous organizations
  • health associations and regulators
  • post-secondary institutions and health research bodies
  • health services organizations (like clinics, public sector bodies under Nova Scotia Health Authority and IWK Health Centre)

Ineligible groups

Organizations that are ineligible for funding (and can’t apply) include:

  • organizations located outside of Nova Scotia
  • businesses and sole proprietorships
  • individuals
  • non-profits and community organizations that are not registered with Registry of Joint Stock Companies

The funding program processes applications as they receive them until all available funds are allocated (gone). Once all funds are allocated, the program closes and no longer accepts new applications.

How to apply

  1. Review detailed program criteria in the Equity Youth Health Experience Program Guidelines.
  2. Complete the funding application form.
  3. Check the application for details on all required supporting documents.
  4. Send your completed application and supporting documents by email.

How long it takes

It should take 3 to 5 weeks for the program to review your funding application and let you know if your funding application is approved. It can take longer if more information is needed or if your application hasn’t been filled in correctly.


There is no cost to apply.

Before you start

Make sure you have:

  • reviewed the Equity Youth Health Experience Program Guidelines
  • Registry of Joint Stock Companies ID, if applicable
  • job description and work plan

Application form