Benefits for member employers and their employees: forms and documents

Collection of forms and documents for participating member employers and their employees.

This collection provides the benefit forms, documents and costs for administrators of member employers and their employees who participate in the Government of Nova Scotia benefits plan.

Benefits plan information

Benefits administration guide for member employers

Guidelines on how to administer group health, dental and life insurance plans for participating member employers.

Employee benefits overview: member employers

Summary of Health and Dental Plan coverage for employees of participating member employers.

Health and Dental Plan benefits for active employees of participating member employers

Hospital benefits, extended health benefits, drug benefits, dental benefits, travel benefits and exclusions.

Life insurance benefits overview: member employers

Summary of group life insurance coverage for employees of participating member employers.


Apply for health and dental coverage for an over age dependent child: member employers

You can apply for health and dental coverage for your dependent child if they’re a student between the ages of 21 and 24.

Apply for optional life insurance coverage: government employees

Apply for optional life insurance coverage for you, your eligible spouse and eligible dependent children if you’re an employee of the Government of Nova Scotia.

Change the status of your Health and Dental Plan

Make changes to the status of your Health and Dental Plan (including adding or deleting dependents from your plan).

Enroll in the Health and Dental Plan

Apply to enroll in the Health and Dental Plan.

Nominate beneficiaries for your basic and optional life insurance plans

Nominate beneficiaries, appoint contingent beneficiaries and nominate trustees for minor beneficiaries for your basic and optional life insurance plans.


Basic and optional life benefit plan costs: government employees and retirees

Costs for group basic and optional life benefit plans for government employees and retirees.

Health and Dental Plan costs: government employees and retirees

Premium costs for the Health and Dental Plan for government employees and the Retired Employee Health Plan for retirees.


Health and Dental Plan Contract

Products and services payable under the Health and Dental Plan, as well as who can participate in the plan.

Life insurance policy: government employees

Agreement between the Government of Nova Scotia and Sun Life for group term life insurance, as well as who can participate in the policy.